Virgin Mary ABVM Feasterville

Parish Information

Mission Statement

As a parish community united in Jesus and dedicated to Mary, we are called to discipleship through worship and service.

Fall, 2020

Dear Assumption BVM Family,

November 13, 1950 marks the founding of our parish. Almost 70 years later, we have experienced changes and growth. Our present church is our third, built in 1956. The intimacy of our church complements your frienldy and welcoming spirit. I frequently refer to you as a family because I see our parish as a family of faith. While God's gift of faith does not prevent hardships at times, our belief that He is the Perfect Father Who knows all our needs keeps us "keeping on".

As you look through this 4th edition of our Parish Guidebook, I encourage you to explore the many opportunities to use your talents and gifts to enhance our vibrant and welcoming parish of almost 2200 families. As you discover the many organizations, I invite you to learn something about them from their descriptions. As your interest is piqued, consider contacting the head of the organization to learn more, and do not be afaraid to get involved in what interests you. Our vibrant, welcoming, and beautiful parish will be more vibrant, welcoming, and beautiful because you choose to share your talents and gifts.

Peace and Love,
Father Mike

Frequently Asked Questions

How does one register in the parish?

Parish registration is important for many reasons. Please register soon after you have moved into the parish by contacting Deacon Eric, the Parish Services Director, or Father Mike, the Pastor, at 215-357-1221.

How does one obtain a Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation?

Congratulations! You have been invited to be a godparent at baptism or sponsor at confirmation, and need a Letter of Eligibility from the parish. But are you eligible? Let’s see if you meet the six requirements:

First, you must be at least 16 years old.

Second,, you must have received all three Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. (You must be a fully-initiated Catholic yourself to stand for someone else!)

Third, you must be a registered parishioner at Assumption BVM. That means at some point in the past, someone (maybe yourself) formally registered you here at the parish.

Keep in mind that you remain a registered parishioner at Assumption as long as you live in the parish. However, if you move away (outside the parish boundaries), you are no longer a parishioner because you no longer live here. At that point, you should contact the parish where you are living and register there. You can then request a Letter of Eligibility from them. (We cannot give you a letter saying that you live here when you don’t.)

Fourth, you must be a practicing Catholic. That means attending Mass every weekend, availing yourself of the Sacrament of Penance, and living and believing the Church’s teachings on a daily basis. (If that doesn’t sound like you, then perhaps you should politely thank the person who invited you to be a godparent or sponsor, and suggest they ask someone else.)

Fifth, if you’re married, you must be in a valid Catholic marriage (not “divorced and remarried” outside the Church).

Sixth, you must not be cohabitating (living with someone outside of marriage).

If you do meet these requirements and wish to request a Letter, please contact Deacon Eric or Father Mike at 215-357-1221 for an appointment.

A note to newly-registered parishioners: you must demonstrate a 3-month pattern of stable Mass attendance at Assumption BVM before you can request a letter of eligibility. Why? Because we can’t vouch for you if we don’t know you, or never attended Mass with you, or can’t attest whether you’re a practicing Catholic or not. For this reason, we ask new parishioners to take a little time to settle into our parish before requesting a letter.

How do parents arrange for their child's baptism?

Parents are encouraged to begin the preparations for the Sacrament of Baptism before their child is born. First call the Parish Office at 215-357-1221 to register for the baptism and make an appointment to meet with either Deacon Eric or Father Mike. A letter explaining the process and eligibility forms for godparents will be mailed to you. You will need to attend a required baptism class ("Meet and Greet" gathering) prior to your child's baptism.

How do engaged couples arrange for the Sacrament of Matrimony

Deacon Bob, Deacon Eric and Father Mike Davis welcome engaged couples to prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony. While marriages celebrated during Mass must be witnessed by a priest, marriages celebrated during a wedding ceremony outside Mass may be witnessed by a deacon. The first step is to call Father Mike at 215-357-1221 to book the date. Attendance at a Pre-Cana program is required. One option is a session hosted by married couples from our parish under the leadership of Deacon Bob. Other program options exist ast well. If you would like Deacon Bob or Deacon Eric to witness your marriage during a wedding ceremony outside Mass, please call the Parish Office at 215-357-1221. For questions about Annulments, Declarations of Nullity, when a Catholic may be married in another Christian Church and related questions, please call Father Mike at the Parish Office.

Who may have the Scarament of the Annointing of the Sick, and when is the scarament celebrated?

Like the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Annointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing for persons who are facing surgery, who are suffering from chronic illnesses and who are experiencing the progressive weaknesses due to old age. Many years ago, "Extreme Unction", or "Last Rites", was reserved for persons who were close to death as a preparation for deth. Since the reform of the sacraments following Vatican Council II, the understanding of the Sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick as practiced in the early Church allows us to properly celebrate spiritual healing, sometimes physical healing, the forgiveness of sins and god's peace by being annointed with the Oil of the Sick. As a sacrament of healing, the Annointing of the Sick may be celebrated more than once. Our parish celebrates a Mass with the Annointing of the Sick every year in the Spring. Please ask Father Mike to be annointed before you have surgery and please call the Parish Office at 215-357-1221 at any time when a family member who is homebound worsens.

How does an individual obtain an annulement?

The process for obtaining an annulment is a pastoral aid for a divorced Catholic or non-Catholic who wishes to remarry in the Catholic Church. Archbishop Charles Chaput, based on the wishes of Pope Francis, has decreed that the $800.00 legal fee for this process will be covered by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, so that individuals will no longer be deterred from the process because of financial shortfalls. They are simply asked to contribute something out of charity according to their means.

To begin the process, go to the Archdiocesan website ( On the top right of the webpage, under the heading "How do I", click on the tab "Start the Annulment Process". Follow the instructions, fill out the form on your computer, print out the form, obtain the proper documents, and send everything to the Tribunal. When your application is received, you will be contacted to begin your case with formal testimony. For questions, please call the Tribunal at 215-587-3750.

Schedule of Masses

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am and 11:00 am
3:00 pm in Malayalam 3rd, 4th, 5th Sunday; in English 1st and 2nd Sunday
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am
Holy Days: 6:30 am, 10:00 am and 7:00 pm
Holidays: 9:00 am

Parish Office Hours

Monday, Thursday, Friday - 9 am - to 1 pm

Tuesday and Wednesday - 11:30 am - 3:30 pm

Scrp Hours - Monday through Friday 9 am to 10:30 am at the Rectory and before all weekend Masses

Finance Council

The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners appointed by the Pastor. It is one of the two advisory bodies to the Pastor. The Fiance Council members have financial, accounting, and managerial expertise and are equipped to advise the Pastor in all matters related to the parish fiscal health, based on attention to proper stewardship of parish resources. The Parish Business Manager serves as a Consultant to the Finance Council which meets bi-monthly. For more information, contact Father Mike at 215-357-1221.

Regular Mass

Saturday Vigil

Sunday Masses
8:00 am
11:00 am

Daily Mass
Mon - Fri
8:30 am

Holy Days
6:30 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm

9:00 am

Parish Giving

