As you take the time to explore our website, you can draw a conclusion that we are a very active parish. Assumption BVM is a tight-knit family of faith, dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary. We are disciples of Jesus, who worship God and love our neighbor. As you get a “glimpse” of our many activities, I encourage and invite you to experience our family, and enhance our family by sharing your talents and gifts.
Reverend Mike Davis
Rice Bowl boxes are available in baskets in the vestibule of church during Lent. Take one home, fill it with change or checks and return on the week before Easter.
Stations of the Cross
You are invited to walk the Way of the Cross during our Lenten program of Stations of the Cross, held each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm beginning on March 12 and running through April 16. Confessions will follow from 7:00 to 7:20 pm, with Holy Mass at 7:30 pm. The schedule (date and version of stations used) are: March 12, 2025 Clarence Enzler version March 19, 2025 Pope Saint John Paul II version March 26, 2025 Saint Alphonsus Liguori version April 2, 2025 Clarence Enzler version April 9, 2025 Saint Alphonsus Liguori version April 16, 2025 Pope Saint John Paul II version,
The Knights of Columbus Annual Lenten Food Drive began on Ash Wednesday and ends on April 20th. Anyone can drop off donations before or after Mass at the back of church or hand donations to any Knight.
Lenten Confessions will be held on Thursday, April 10, 2025, at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
Sun of Hope Orphanage Village Lenten Campaign
The orphanage, founded by the Holy Spirit Sisters, is located in Tanzania and currently houses over sixty children. The goal is to successfully prepare these children for secondary school, which is a long shot for most Tanzanian children. This is the tenth consecutive year that our parish is holding the Lenten Campaign and the orphanage has come to heavily rely on our assistance for the day-to-day operations of the facility.. We take great pride in the fact that 100% of all donations go directly to Sun of Hope.
How can you help? The orphanage project was extremely successful the past nine years and the Sisters are very appreciative. We would like to continue to assist the Holy Spirit Sisters in their endeavor. Please send your donations to: Sr. Catherine Msuya/Sun of Hope 1257 Lenox Road Jenkintown, PA 19046
Saint Patrick's Day Party
Our St. Patrick's Day Party will be held on March 15, 2025, at ABVM from 6:30 PM till 10:30 PM with DJ Tommy J. Ham and Cabbage, Roast Beef, Free Beer, Door Prizes, Basket of Cheer, 50-50 Raffle. Tickets $35 now, $40 after February 28 - Contact Steve Clark at 267-241-9427 or obtain from the Rectory Office.
Lenten Fish Fry
Our annual Lenten Fish Fry is on Friday, April 4th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM and will be held at the Parish Hall. $15.00 per dinner, eat in or take-out. Contact Michael Arment at 215.470.2050 for more info.
The clothing donation bins located at the end of the parking lot help provide money for our conference from the Thrifty Irishman. Please utilize them. If anyone is interested in joining our Vincentian conference to see what we do, please contact us at the rectory phone, extension 21; we can always use extra help.
The Higher Shelf Book Club continues to meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Our meetings are held in the Rectory Meeting Room from 1:00-2:30pm. Our book for Lent is Blessed are the Stressed by Mary Lea Hill, FSP, published by Pauline Books and Media. If you have questions, text Sharon Koob at 610-585-0212.
Brother and Sisters,
Please join me and sign up at for a conversation about our Church. Your voice and presence are essential as we plan a new way forward together as the Catholic Church of Philadelphia.
Archbishop Nelson J. Perez
Helping Hands is group of volunteers that assist the elderly of the parish. Whether it's picking up a prescription, light grocery shopping, taking out the garbage, etc. we are always there to help! We are currently looking for more volunteers. Most jobs take less than an hour a month and the volunteer will decide how much time they want to give. Please consider being an angel for someone in need. You will really make a difference in someone's life! For info, please contact or call 215-322-7421