Virgin Mary ABVM Feasterville


As you take the time to explore our website, you can draw a conclusion that we are a very active parish. Assumption BVM is a tight-knit family of faith, dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary. We are disciples of Jesus, who worship God and love our neighbor. As you get a “glimpse” of our many activities, I encourage and invite you to experience our family, and enhance our family by sharing your talents and gifts.

Reverend Mike Davis




Calendar Meeting
We will hold a calendar meeting (for calendar year 2024/2025) for all of our ministries and committees on Thursday, May 23 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to set meeting dates, times, and places for your organization for the coming year. Please come prepared with your requests.

What does receiving Jesus in the Eucharist mean to me?
There is a box on the desk in the back of church near the pamphlet rack with that question. Please fill out a card and put it into the box so it can be shared with others as we prepare for the Eucharistic Congress this July. One of our parishioners said this: It means we become truly one with Jesus Christ, the greatest gift and privilege we will ever experience.

Fatima, Lourdes and Spain Pilgrimage
From September 30 to October 10, 2024 with Father Mike. For information or to make a reservation, please go to or contact Kinjiro Otsuka at 267.214.KIN0 (5460).

Please pray for all the sick in Assumption B.V.M. Parish as well as for all those who are caring for them.
Names may be placed on the list by contacting the Rectory by phone at 215-357-1221. All of the names will be left on the list for a period of four weeks. If you would like your intention restored to the sick list for an additional four weeks, you must contact the Rectory and request it.

Legion of Mary Home and Hospital Visits
The Legion of Mary makes home and hospital visits to pray with parishioners. To request a visit, please call the rectory office to set up an appointment.

Enhanced Parish Communication by Facebook and Website
As a means to better communicate the various activities of our vibrant parish family, a suggestion came up during a recent parish meeting to include more photos on Facebook and our Website. With the exception of photos of children, please send photos of our parish events to

Message from Fr. Mike

Plans are under way for our parish 75th Anniversary celebrations. I am very grateful to Mary Tunney and Tony Crooks, the 75th Anniversary celebration Co-Chairs, and our parish Special Events Committee for their diligent work in beginning to plan a year-long series of celebrations leading to 2025. I am elated to announce the Opening Mass on November 3, 2024 at 11:00 am, with Bishop Timothy Senior, Father Tim, as the Principal Celebrant. Bishop Senior fondly remembers his first assignment here as a priest. The Closing Mass will be on November 9, 2025 at 11:00 am, followed by a Brunch at the Buck Hotel. Pay close attention to the bulletin, Facebook, the Parish Website, and your email blasts for periodic information as we prepare to celebrate ABVM 75th Anniversary.

Peace and love, Father Mike

Knights of Columbus

If you are looking to live out your faith in the spirit of charity by helping others, our Knights of Columbus Council Regina Mundi #4052 welcomes you to join us. If you are a man 18 years or older, please contact Rich Gathercole at 267-261-7337 or Steve Jackson at 267 315-5294.

Pancake Breakfast
The Knights of Columbus Spring Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 8:00 AM till 11 AM. For more information and tickets, contact Steve Clark at 215.264.4487.


Our next Bingo night is June 14th at Assumption BVM Parish Hall. We know it will be a busy time but hope you can make it.

Society of St Vincent dePaul - ABVM Conference

As part of our mission, the Thrifty Irishman truck will be in the Church parking lot on June 1, 2024, 9 am to noon. The clothing/shoes and small household items that you no longer need can go a long way for people who are less fortunate. Please consider dropping off a bag or two.

Pentecost Sunday

You are invited to share your cultural heritage including native foods, music, clothing, etc. at the parish Pentecost Celebration on May 28 after the 11:00 am Mass in the Parish Hall. A wide selection of international foods will be provided. Last year's celebration was a great success, and we are hoping this year's festivities will be even better!

Baby Bottle Campaign

The parish "Change for Life Baby Bottles" project is underway. Please return your baby bottle on or before May 31st to the crib in the back of church. New bottles can also be picked up there. Your donations will be used to save the lives of babies and help them through their early years, as well as making a positive impact on mothers.

Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation

Click here to learn how does one obtain a Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation

Regular Mass

Saturday Vigil

Sunday Masses
8:00 am
11:00 am

Daily Mass
Mon - Fri
8:30 am

Holy Days
6:30 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm

9:00 am

Parish Giving

