Virgin Mary ABVM Feasterville


As you take the time to explore our website, you can draw a conclusion that we are a very active parish. Assumption BVM is a tight-knit family of faith, dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary. We are disciples of Jesus, who worship God and love our neighbor. As you get a “glimpse” of our many activities, I encourage and invite you to experience our family, and enhance our family by sharing your talents and gifts.

Reverend Mike Davis




Altar Servers Needed for Daily Mass
Anyone wishing to receive instruction on how to be an altar server at daily Mass, please contact Deacon Eric at the rectory office 215-357-1221 X24.

Church Clean Up
We are in need of volunteers to clean /spruce up the Church on Friday mornings after the 8:30 am Mass. No lifting, only light cleaning. It takes less than 30 minutes and the more volunteers, the faster we get done. Please consider volunteering 25 minutes of your time any Friday morning at 9 am. It will be greatly appreciated.

Grief and Loss Group
A new community has formed at ABVM among those grieving, to become support for one another. The group meets in the Rectory Meeting Room on Tuesday afternoons from 1 pm to 3 pm on October 22nd. There will be an onsite retreat in November (date to be announced). For more information, please contact Eileen Iandola at email

2025 Mass Book Opens on November 6
Call the Rectory during our business hours or e-mail to request Mass Intentions for 2025. For the week of November 6th, there will be a 3 Mass request limit per household. Additional Masses may be requested beginning November 11th.

This weekend 2nd collection Oct 19-20 is for Mission Sunday. Please be as generous as your means allow.

Knights of Columbus

Assumption BVM council #4052 will be holding a membership drive on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Come join us after the 8 AM and 11 AM Masses for light refreshments and find out more information about joining the Knights of Columbus. Whether you become an individual member or a member of our council you will find that Knights of Columbus membership brings Catholic men together in a powerful way. If you would like to join, simply go to and enter our council #4052 for local informati Also, you can contact Rich Gathercole @ 267-261-7337 or see one of the Knights after Mass.

The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a 40 Days for Life event on Friday, October 26th with vigil hours of 8 AM to 1 PM. This event is a day of fasting and a peaceful vigil for an end to abortion. You are invited to stand and peacefully pray in the public right-of-way outside the Planned Parenthood at 2751 Comly Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154. Sign-up sheets for this day at any hour/time will be available at the back of the Church. If you would like more information contact Steve Jackson at 267.315.5294 or visit the 40 Days for Life website at:

Society of St Vincent dePaul _ ABVM Conference

Assumption BVM has two initiatives that will help raise funds for our neighbors in need.

1. A clothing/shoe donation bin from the Thrifty Irishman will be in the convent parking lot from October 12th until the end of the month. Please gather any gently used clothing and drop it into the bin any time that is convenient for you. Although this short period does not raise any money, if this works well, we have the option to keep the bin for a year; the Thrifty Irishman will donate $1000 to our conference.

2. Our Vincentian members will be selling coupons for a big sale at Boscovs Department Store giving a 25% discount off lowest sale prices in-store and online. The date of the sale is Oct 22nd. The coupons cost $5 for each shopper. Vincentians will be available at the back of Church after all masses on Oct 19 and 20. If you cannot be here physically, call the rectory at 215-357-1221, ext 21 and leave a message with your name, address and phone # and we can make plans to get the coupons to you.

Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation

Click here to learn how does one obtain a Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation

Parish 75th Anniversary

As part of our upcoming 75th Anniversary; the parish is preparing a special Family of Faith Commemorative Book. Along with collecting photos and ABVM current and historical information we are accepting sponsorship donations from businesses and individuals to be listed in the book. There are several Sponsorship donation levels and donations can be made by check or electronically through Parish Giving. Any donations are greatly appreciated! Sponsorships can be listed in memory of a loved one or by an individual business or family name etc .

Make check donations payable to Assumption BVM, indicate Assumption BVM 75th Commemorative Sponsorship and note the family name or loved one to be listed.

Electronic donations can be made via Parish Giving at Log in (or sign up) and choose Give Now then select category Fund Raising and select 75th Anniversary. . Enter an amount to donate or chose an amount listed. In the memo section indicate the family name and loved one to be listed in memory. Levels of Sponsorship include Platinum, $1000 Gold, $500 Silver, $250 Bronze, $125, and Other.

Parish Pastoral Council

The goal of the Parish Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor in hearing the parishioner's concerns, questions and addressing parish needs. The council meets quarterly. Please forward questions or concerns to the Parish website NOTE: Upcoming Parish Leaders Mass November 9th 10 AM to invite all members of the different Parish groups.

Parish 75th Anniversary Events

It is hard to believe that 75 years have gone by. 75 years of love, life and faith. The parish will be celebrating the momentous occasion with a year-long celebration beginning on November 3, 2024, the anniversary of the church founding. The celebration will begin with a special Mass and a social in the Parish Hall. The celebrant for the Mass will be Bishop Timothy Senior.

When future events are available, they will be posted here.

Catholic Charities Appeal

As a vital collection for our local Church and the hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters who truly rely on the services provided by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I thank you all who have already contributed. As of September 13, our parish has contributed $20,554, or 51.11% of our goal of $40,213, and I thank you, as the overall contributions from our local Church thus far amount to 6.5 million dollars of the 10 million dollar goal. We all know the financial difficulties due to inflation, and the many charitable requests which we all receive; such appeals are stressful, especially for you on fixed incomes. On behalf of Archbishop Perez and the hundreds of thousands of our needy brothers and sisters who count on our local Church to help them, please make some contribution if you have not yet, and please remember every contribution is necessary and vital. Look for updates in the coming weeks to notice our parish progress in support of the Catholic Charities Appeal 2024. Envelopes will be in the book racks in the pews.

Peace and blessings,
Father Mike


My heart is deeply pained to see Hurricane Helene's path of destruction in the southern United States stretching from Florida through Appalachia. Many precious lives have been cut short. Many homes, businesses, and communities have been obliterated. I encourage everyone to be a beacon of hope for those left standing in the wake of this devastation through frequent prayer and generous support of the relief efforts taking place.

Catholic Relief Services is coordinating the temporal response on behalf of the bishops of the United States. You can learn more and contribute here

The work of recovery will be monumental in scale and ongoing for quite some time. Let us be the hands of Christ for our suffering brothers and sisters now and in the coming months. In the name of the people of our local Church, I pray that God will bring comfort to those in mourning, protect the first responders and repair crews working on the ground, and pour His mercy upon all those impacted by this natural disaster

Regular Mass

Saturday Vigil

Sunday Masses
8:00 am
11:00 am

Daily Mass
Mon - Fri
8:30 am

Holy Days
6:30 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm

9:00 am

Parish Giving

